Reclaiming the Feast of St. Valentine


As Catholic couples and families we can reclaim St. Valentine Day!

As wonderful as giving and receiving roses and sweets to mark St. Valentine's Day, there is far more as Christ Himself showed us and St. Valentine modeled.

"This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends."   John 15:12-13

Love is laying down our lives for one another, a task much more demanding than buying greeting cards and chocolates. Neither of which should be discouraged because it is wonderful to treat our loved ones to special gifts but perhaps we can take an opportunity to accompany our purchased or handmade gifts with acts of selflessness for our loved ones. 

Perhaps a gift of service would be meaningful to your loved one, for example:

Do a chore • Make a meal • Spend time in a pastime or hobby •  Getting up early with the little ones so your spouse can sleep in • commit time to marriage enrichment • Extra prayers are always a wonderful gift • Say a Rosary • Thank God each day for your loved one, letting them know you did! • Offering up a Mass or Holy Hour • Say a Novena for your loved one •  Consider committing to pray together daily as a gift to one another.

Check out these Resources for celebrating and growing in love in your marriages, families and friendships everyday.

May the Feast of St. Valentine highlight the opportunity to love our spouses, families and friends as Christ loves us.

Karen Hettrick