Celebrating Marriage

“It is love alone that gives worth to all things. “

St Teresa of Avila

Our culture has lost sight of the beauty and profundity of marriage as God intended. As Catholics we have the opportunity to witness and protect this sacrament instituted by Christ.

We invite you to celebrate and strengthen your bond of marriage as we observe National Marriage Week in the USA.

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Reclaiming the Feast of St. Valentine

As Catholic couples and families we can reclaim St. Valentine Day!

As wonderful as giving and receiving roses and sweets to mark St. Valentine's Day, there is far more as Christ Himself showed us and St. Valentine modeled.

"This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends."   John 15:12-13

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Karen Hettrick
Celebrating Candelmas

Candlemas, which occurs 40 days after Christmas on February 2nd, celebrates the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. This was the day that, in keeping with Jewish law, Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to the temple for the first time. When Holy Simeon saw the baby, he had a lot to say, but we’ll focus on the end part: “For my eyes have seen your salvation which you prepared in sight of all the peoples, a LIGHT for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.”

From these words comes the traditional Catholic practice for the day, which is the blessing of candles. Families would bring a supply of candles for the year to Mass, and the priest would bless all of them. Some churches do this still. And even if they don’t, there’s no reason why you can’t bring your candles and ask Father to bless them for you after Mass.

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Resolved: Celebrate Life!

As a Church family, we’re witnesses to the beauty of life, even in the midst of life’s messiness: caring for sick family members, puzzling over our family budget, rushing to get to hockey practice, shushing our toddlers at Mass. (Go on, admit it - I’ve done my share of shushing.) God calls us to affirm life’s goodness in the midst of a skeptical culture. That sounds tough to do, when the skepticism takes the form of seeing abortion as a “right.”

We can do it.

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The Twelve Days of Christmas

This post is reprinted with permission from The Catholic Education Resource Center

The partridge in a pear tree is Christ. In nature, a mother partridge will feign injury to lure predators away from her defenseless nestlings. In the same way, our Lord protects us, vulnerable human beings, from Satan. The pear tree symbolizes the salvation of mankind, just as the apple tree symbolizes Adam and Eve's Fall from Grace. 

Two turtle doves represent the Old and New Testaments.


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The Family Rosary: Why is it SO Hard?

Happy October! In honor of the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7th, and the whole month of October, which is dedicated to the Rosary, this month’s Catholic All Year Liturgical Living video is about . . . saying a family Rosary. We know we should be doing it, but why is it so hard to actually, ya know, do it?

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Attention and the Sacrament of the Present Moment

God is here. Now. In this moment. He is closer to us than we are to ourselves. Indeed, if he ceased to be present, we would cease to exist. How rarely we feel or experience this truth! Yet, holy men like Jean-Pierre de Caussade or Brother Lawrence, who both wrote wonderful books about finding God in the present moment, tell us with full conviction that we can learn to do so. How? We must train ourselves to see and perceive God’s presence.

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A Prayer for Fathers

God, Our Father, from whom all life and authority comes from, help all fathers humbly realize that all they have comes from You.

You have entrusted Your precious life giving faculties to fathers, may they never abuse this great power.

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Karen Hettrick
Ten Ways to Grow in Devotion to the Holy Spirit

Let us venture into deep waters as we strive to get to know, to fall in love and establish a deep and dynamic rapport and relationship with the Holy Spirit. He desires to enter into deep communion and friendship with you as soon as you open your mind and heart to His Presence. Now is the time!

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Fr. Ed Broom, OMV
Vocations and Sacrifice

“If He asks much of you, it is because He knows you can give much.” St. John Paul II

How appropriate this proclamation by St. John Paul II for Sunday, May 12, 2019 as we commemorate mothers and also observe World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Vocation, be it marriage and family or religious life, while calling us to heroic sacrifice also brings the great privilege of participating in the work of Christ.

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The Vocation of Protector--monitoring our children online

For the past six months I have spoken with many parents, young people, and couples about the dangers of the internet and technology. More directly, I have been speaking to them about the danger of internet pornography. Pornography poses a grave threat to individuals, couples and families, and society.

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